What is Brown Crab UK?
Brown Crabs from the UK are generally in abundant availability from the end of the Summer until the start of the Spring. Brown crabs live on the sea bed and are caught using Pots. The flavour of UK Brown Crab tends to be fairly sweet. The alternative to Brown Crab would be Spider Crab.
The brown meat of Crab gives a savoury flavour with a slightly acidic tang. Brown meat from Crab is sweet, slightly salty and rich in taste, with a wet, paste-like texture. The white meat from Crab has a stronger, sweeter flavour, with crumbly, fragile meat that falls apart easily in the mouth.
Latin Name
Cancer pagurus
UK Brown Crab is usually available year round but most abundant end of the Summer until the start of the Spring.
An alternative to Brown Crab is Spider Crab.